HTML Welcome to your HTML March 12, 2025 Dear Student Please read the following instructions carefully before you start the test. This will only take a few minutes. 1. Ensure you have a stable internet connection before starting the test. 2. Attempting all questions in the test are mandatory. 3. The duration of the test is up to 10 minutes. 4. Once you start the test, you cannot pause the test in between and you need to complete the test in the mentioned duration. 5. The test will be submitted automatically once you answer all questions. 6. The Test Administrator will review your test, and if you qualify the test and meet the proficiency criteria. Name Email Phone Which symbol that identities that href attribute as the name of a name anchor rather than an address or filename is ? $ * # $$ None Which part of the HTML metadata is contained? head tag body tag title tag None Which element is used for or styling HTML5 layout? jQuery CSS Bootstrap JavaScript None In HTML, which attribute is used to create a link that opens in a new window tab? target=”_blank” target=”_self” alt=”_blank” src=”_blank” None What is meant by an empty tag in HTML? An empty tag does not require close tag An empty tag does not exist None Colors are defined in HTML using? HEX RGB RGBA All above None The default value of the BORDER attribute is? 1px 10px 12px 100px None What are the main components of the front end of any working website? HTML CSS Javascript All of the above None The Major components of the Web browser are ___ Menu Bar Tool bar Location All of above None html document have a extension ____ html .hmt or hmtl .http None 1 out of 10 Time's upTime is Up!